
Best Identity Theft Protection of 2019

What data protection methods are relevant in 2019? The best tips.

The theft of personal information in our time has been greatly simplified – for this, attackers do not even need to leave the house: online there is everything in the public domain that is needed to carry out such criminal acts.

This means that the task of protecting personal data is much more relevant and important than a few years ago.

The ideal way to prevent identity theft via the Internet is not to use the Internet at all, but this task is difficult to implement.

Beware the phishing sites

Phishing sites are web resources that position themselves as legitimate but are fake. The purpose of their existence is the theft of personal information, for example, login password or credit card number.

Use new versions of antiviruses

Various kinds of malware, such as backdoors and keyloggers, can cause great harm to the computer and the user. You can protect yourself from them with the help of modern timely updated antiviruses. Ideally, it is recommended to use both anti-virus and anti-malware class software.

Use OpenDNS

OpenDNS is not only a great way to speed up your Internet connection, but it is also an opportunity to filter incoming traffic. This means that the OpenDNS service will notify the user of a visit to a dangerous or phishing site.

Unique passwords for each site

One of the most commonly used tricks for stealing user information is authorization by email address and one password. If the user uses the same passwords for different sites, hacking one site means hacking several others at the same time.

Creating a strong password is the first step to preventing identity theft. You can remember passwords using special applications and online services – for example, Lastpass or Keepass.

Online shopping only on reputable sites

Enter credit card information and make purchases is only on reliable sites. Check the reliability of the site, for example, using the online service Web of Trust.

Do not share too much personal information with social media

Social media is one of the largest providers of personal user information. Therefore, talking about all your movements in social networks is a bad idea. For example, a check-in using FourSquare at a bank branch makes it easier for an attacker to steal your data.

Wireless security

Wireless networks are another source of user data loss. Especially open wireless networks that do not use WPA encryption and passwords. Using unclosed wireless networks, cybercriminals can easily track their traffic and, for example, intercept access to some sites. At the same time, you can build a detailed profile for users of this wireless network based on the resources they visit. In the same way, you can intercept passwords and entered credit card numbers.

Use software only from trusted sources

Installing the best identity theft protection of 2019 makes your computer vulnerable to intrusion from outside. This can especially happen as a result of installing various kinds of games, screensavers (screensavers), and “cracks”. Often, sites that distribute such software also spread viruses.

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